Calendar of Events

WCF Praise Band
June 24th, 2023 at 6:00 P.M.
Will be held in the WCF Auditorium
1806 Pinecrest Circle
Winfield, KS 67156
Ticket Price: $10.00 (Additional Donations Accepted)
Money raised from the sale of tickets will go toward building the Winfeild Spirtual Life Center 501(c)3.
Contact Chaplain Grady Osborn (620) 705-6026 to reserve your tickets by June 19,2023. Tickets must be purchased by check. Please make checks payable to Legacy Foundation, and note WSLC Fund in the memo.
Mail payment to:
Winfield Spiritual Life Center
1806 Pinecrest Circle
Winfield, KS 67156
Event Information:
- All guests must register by contacting WCF Chaplaincy at (620) 705-6026
- Please dress appropriately, call if any questions.
- NO CELL PHONES, please lock them in your vehicles.
- All guests must be at least 18 and have photo ID to attend.
- No bags or purses will be allowed.
Spread The Gospel Of Christ Inside Prison Walls
Central Kansas Prison Ministry is looking for Christian volunteers that will help spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in places where it is desperately needed. We are looking for volunteers that can assist in El Dorado, Winfield, and/or Hutchinson Correctional Facilities.