
About Us

Director's Message

Friends, I want to personally invite you to consider making a difference in the lives of men and women living in our Kansas Correctional Facilities. Volunteers are needed to minister one on one to inmates “matched” with them in our Match 2 mentoring program. Volunteers are needed to participate on our prayer team and help with various administrative work needed each month. We also invite you to be a financial supporter for Central Kansas Prison Ministry.

Central Kansas Prison Ministry is a non-profit organization that derives 100% of its support through the faithful financial support of our donors. We provide support for the Chaplain and staff in Hutchinson, Eldorado, and Winfield currently. We would love to come to your church or civic group to tell the story of CKPM, simply send an email request to director@ckpm.com.

N. Jay Lewis
Executive Director Central Kansas Prison Ministry

Our Board Members


Jay Lewis - President - Business Management

Bob Buckingham - Vice President - Retired

Chuck Harder - Treasurer - Automotive Repair

Karen Deaver - Secretary - Management

Donovan Claassen - Trustee - farmer

Ron Ducharme - Trustee - businessman


Tim Ayres - Farmer and Auto Body Repair

Jennifer Bugner - Former St. Ditmas Catholic Diocese

David Chatlain - Retired

Dr. Garry Cowan - Veterinarian

Bishop Mark Gilkey - Minister

Frank Gill - Business

Shem Hatfield - Medical Assistant

Roderick Houston - Minister and Former State Representative

David King - EDCF Administration

Dr. Scott Landes - Optometrist

Robert Schmidt - Prison Ministry - Business manager

Bob Simmons - City of El Dorado

Mark Sommerville - Minister - Hospice

Don Thomas -Trustee - Former EDCF Deputy Warden

Clarence Walker - Minister

Our Mission

Bringing the Gospel of Christ Inside Prison Walls

Ministry program

To establish, develop and implement a ministry to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ within various correctional institutions and detention facilities.

Assist KDOC

Assist the Kansas Department of Corrections in purchasing necessary equipment and/or construction of necessary facilities for the purpose of conducting classroom settings, worship services, and religious studies.

Our Ministry Goal

In the Bible, Matthew 25 gives a mandate for Believers to “go into prison.” But the “how to” varies from State to State. It is our responsibility to train, equip and place Christian volunteers from various denominations in prison work.

Central Kansas Prison Ministry


We believe in one God, Creator and Lord of the Universe, the co-eternal Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe that Jesus Christ, God’s Son, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, died a substitutionary atoning death on the cross, rose bodily from the dead and ascended to heaven where He lives as truly God and truly man. He is the only mediator between God and man.

We believe that the Bible is God’s authoritative and inspired Word. It is without error in all its teachings, including creations, history, its own origins, and salvation. Christians must submit to its divine authority, both individually and corporately, in all matters of belief and conduct, which is demonstrated by true righteous living.

We believe that all people are lost sinners and cannot see the Kingdom of God except through the new birth. Justification is by grace through faith in Christ alone.

We believe in one holy, universal Church. Its calling is to worship God and witness concerning its Head, Jesus Christ, preaching the Gospel among all nations and demonstrating its commitment by compassionate service to the needs of human beings and promoting righteousness and justice.

We believe in the necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit for an individual’s new birth and growth to maturity, and for the Church’s constant renewal in truth, wisdom, faith, holiness, love, power, and mission.

We believe that Jesus Christ will personally and visibly return in glory to raise the dead and bring salvation and judgment to completion. God will fully manifest His Kingdom when He establishes a new heaven and a new earth, in which He will be glorified forever and exclude all evil, suffering, and death.

Volunteer With Us

Spread The Gospel Of Christ Inside Prison Walls

Central Kansas Prison Ministry is looking for Christian volunteers that will help spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in places where it is desperately needed. We are looking for volunteers that can assist in El Dorado, Winfield, and/or Hutchinson Correctional Facilities.

Latest News

Central Kansas Prison Ministry Memos

February 2025 Newsletter

February 21, 2025

November 2024 Newsletter

November 19, 2024

September 2024 Newsletter

September 18, 2024